All of the products we sell come exclusively out of our own hives, that we care and enjoy looking after.
Our bees collect nectar from a vast variety of flowers and the honey has a really unique bouquet of flavours.
Nothing that the bees fill the honeycombs with is removed when extracting the honey, so that the very best of its quality are contained in the jars we have on offer.
Our honey is exactly how the bees make it and use it.
This is a new addition to our basket, which is very limited. We normally sell out within a week. They are very popular and it is the closest you will every be to the bees dinner. This is a very expensive way of producing honey, as it takes the bees around 1.5 timer more honey to produce the honey comb than the honey inside the comb. Very satisfying though.
We have proposed this year that we will collect a small amount of pollen, more for our own consumption, but we will try to gauge the interest for future production. Please see our "Did you know" page to read about pollen's benefits and also how to consume it. The grains of pollen have not been dried so it needs to be kept in the freezer.
We are currently overwintering a very small amount of 5 and 6 frames nucleus, all on British Commercial frames. We can make and supply nucs of bees on National frames, but these will need to be pre-ordered well in advance.
All the queens heading the nucs have being raised from our best stock in 2021. We have mainly select them based on gentleness, but not ignoring the honey produciton.
Remember - we have never bought and will never buy bees or queens.
Spring honey
Harvested in early June, spring honey will crystalize a lot quicker, but can be very easily brought back to liquid form by gently warming it in warm water. It is of a light colour, and he has a hint of early spring blossom and freshly cut lawn.
Summer honey
It is extracted in early Aug, and it is predominantly from blackberry nectar. It is of a darker appearance, but will remain in liquid form for a longer period of time. It has a fantastic flowery taste that lasts longer in your mouth.
Cut Comb
This is a new addition to our basket, which is very limited. We normally sell out within a week. They are very popular and it is the closest you will every be to the bees dinner. This is a very expensive way of producing honey, as it takes the bees around 1.5 timer more honey to produce the honey comb than the honey inside the comb. Very satisfying though.
Raw Pollen
We have proposed this year that we will collect a small amount of pollen more for our own consumption, but we will try to gauge the interest for future production. Please see our did you know page to read about pollen's benefits and also how to consume it.
What's next?
Perhaps in the years to come, as we gain more experience and knowledge, we might tray and have a go at other products. We are very interested in your suggestions so please share them with us -
For the love of bees and nature. All rights reserved - 2022.